Welcome to Nash’s Numbers.
Contains all back issues from my articles in Call Sign Magazine.
Find any issue easily by dated issue or category.
The external links are for quick access to “Call Sign magazine”, “Dial-a-Cab’s” web
site, “Points of London”, the “Adobe” site to download a free PDF reader if you haven’t
already got one.
To contact Nash’s Numbers with questions, suggestions or errors, either click the “Contact” button under my picture on the right or email alan@nashsnumbers.co.uk
July Updates.
Apologies that this page has not been updated since January. The July 15 issue is the 200 th edition since the first article in June 1997. Lots of things have changed in this time especially the first edition was called “Helpful Corner” and listed fares against mileage. A 6 mile journey then cost £9, today at rate 1 this is £17.40p.
Click this icon for Call Sign article on the MyFav website.
For the MyFav Taxi page which has over 70 icon/tile links to useful information.
Get Free information plus a chance to win £100 of Amazon Vouchers. The MyFav website is designed to be your ideal launch pad to the rest of the internet. Store your bookmarks online, iconic grids of popular sites, a notes facility, useful gadgets, and all pages from this site launch into a new page or tab so the personalised MyFav page is always there for your use. You can now personalise your search engine, favourite online retail and clock face, so this is the web site to have as your “Home Page”. Page 18 of the April edition had an article on the MyFav website. The graphics were rather poor, so the original unedited version is available by clicking the icon in the right hand panel. —–––––->
If you click on “Whats On” or “UID” you will given instructions on the new method of obtaining the information. MyFav is not a taxi based website but has a dedicated page for D-a-C drivers. Not only is it free, no advertising, no passing your info to third parties, but you can also win a monthly prize just for recommending this site to friends and family. See Call Sign Page 2 for the unlock code.
Alan Nash
Just click this Icon. ——->
IMPORTANT- The old fifty pound note is no longer be legal tender. Banks will only
accept them if you pay them into your personal account. For the official details
click the £50 note.